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Chicago Area Conservation Group Constitution

  1.  Purpose – The Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) is a forum for the exchange of information on matters of concern to all those interested in or responsible for the preservation, conservation and protection of art, library, archival, museum or historic objects.  It also fosters social relations among members, their friends and guests.
  2.  Any person who supports the purposes of the CACG and who pays the annual dues shall be a member.
  3.  Officers
    1.  Duties – The officers of the Group are:
      1.  President: The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Group and to that end shall organize agenda, committee reports and other business of the Group for review by the membership.  The President may appoint the chairperson and members of the specific committees and may serve as ex officio member of all Group committees. At the January meeting each year the President shall present a report of the past year’s activity.
      2. Program Chairperson: The Program Chairperson shall schedule the programs of the Group and shall organize the program content including an annual business meeting. The Program Chairperson may, for this purpose, name a committee to assist them.
      3. Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain membership lists and directory, correspond with the membership, keep minutes of business meetings, and oversee annual elections.
      4. Treasurer: Shall collect dues from members and keep record of finances which shall be open to inspection by any Group member.  An annual report shall be made to the membership.
      5. Webmaster: The Webmaster shall maintain the CACG website, updating it regarding events, job postings, announcements etc.
      6. Archivist: Shall collect critical records of CACG and file paper versions at the Newberry Library at least annually.
    2. Elections – In September of each year the President shall name a Nominating Committee whose duty it shall be to nominate candidates for each Group office.  The work of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the membership well in advance of the January meeting.  Officers shall be elected via electronic ballot before the January meeting by a majority of those responding and eligible to vote.
  4. Adoption – The Charter constitution was approved by a majority of the membership in 1975.
  5. Amendment – This Constitution may be amended by a majority of those who respond to electronic ballots and are eligible to vote at any business meeting provided that the amendment has been sent in writing to all members well in advance of the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted.
  6. Interpretation – Should a dispute arise concerning the interpretation of any article of this Constitution, the President shall appoint a committee with not less than four members whose decision on the matter shall be final.
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